find YOUR type
We team up with you to narrow down and identify your Enneagram type.
Remember, each of us will resonate with all 9 types in some way -
but deep down, one type motivates us at our core.
You choose the coach you want to work with,
then you can schedule a "Let's Get Acquainted" call
to get to know each other, ask questions and determine the coaching fit.
Optional Typing Assessments
If you'd like to get an idea of your Enneagram Type through a typing assessment,
we recommend one of the options below.
Just so you know... an Enneagram assessment is about 80% accurate.
This is because as you answer, it’s trying to assess your inner world; which depends on how well you know yourself. We understand this might be tricky for some and there are situations where your type may be different from your result. Because the top score is not always your true type, we encourage you to explore coaching with us to discover and understand your main Enneagram type.
A Few Tips...
(1) Take it when you have time to go through it at your own pace without distraction
(2) Answer from what you know to be true about YOU in your past thoughts & behavior...not what you wish you did ;)
(3) Avoid middle of the road answers...there are no right or wrong answers, but selecting what describes you best will give you more accurate results
This free Enneagram Assessment is offered through Your Enneagram Coach and approaches the 9 types through the lens of the gospel.
They will email you the results and you will forward those to your coach. After your results, you may opt out of their future email correspondence.
This paid Enneagram Assessment, called RHETI, is offered through The Enneagram Institute.
Once you pay, they email you a code to enter for the test.
They will email you the results and you will forward those to your coach. After your results, you may opt out of their future email correspondence.
This free Enneagram Test, is offered through Truity.
You must setup a Truity account to get your results, they will not email them to you. You only need to complete the free portion of the test; they do offer an more extensive result option for a fee.
Your results will be in your Truity account and you will forward those to your coach. After your results, you may opt out of their future email correspondence.